Becoming a Member

How do I join?
We encourage you to join us for worship or another activity for at least a few weeks before joining the congregation so that you can get a good sense of who we are and what we are about. Once you are ready to join, you should schedule a time to meet with our minister who will tell you a little more about what membership entails and will answer any questions you might have. Then you’ll sign a membership card to make it official!

What are the benefits of membership?
WelcomeThe most important benefit is being a part of our wonderful spiritual community! Being a member also means that you get a vote at our Congregational Meetings, you are eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees, and you and your children are eligible to participate in events sponsored by the Long Island Area Council. Membership signifies that you have found a home with us.

What are the responsibilities of being a member?
Members commit to staying in right relationship with the SNUUC community, and to offering their time and energy to help us achieve our mission. As a member you are also expected to make a financial contribution each year to support the continuing work of the congregation.

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