
Welcome to SNUUC
The South Nassau Unitarian Universalist Congregation

We look forward to seeing you at SNUUC this Sunday. If you are not able to join us in person, we welcome you to participate via Zoom.

• Click here for information about this Sunday's service.

• Click here for the in-person and hybrid services' dates
through December 29th.

Lastly, look for upcoming online and in-person events/activities in our weekly email 'News You Can Use' which typically goes out each Wednesday and includes links to Sunday's virtual service and our other virtual events.

Join Us at SNUUC on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:30 pm
for a Special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service,
with Lessons and Carols of Christmas.

Invite Your Family and Friends and Come Join Us in Singing!


welcoming congregation

SNUUC is a generous, welcoming and spiritually nourishing congregation committed to our growth, engaged with the people of Long Island and beyond, and known as a reliable and active partner in creating a more just, peaceful and compassionate community.

Click here to learn a little more about us...

South Nassau Unitarian Universalist Congregation
228 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520
(516) 623-1204